Gamonbrass - Finest high brass instruments

Vincent Bach Mercedes "Stradivarius sister" trumpet

  • Bach Mercedes "Sister of Stradivarius" Elkhart IND

    Serial #198164


    Instrument is in perfect working condition 

    Exceptional quality 


    In playing perfection these instruments meet the demands of the most discriminating artists, yet the price is considerably below that which one might expect to pay for such a well-designed and carefully fitted instrument. They are made in the most popular bore, have sufficient volume of tone for a large symphony orchestra, yet they are so easy-blowing that dance, vaudeville and other musicians who work long hours find them an immeasurable aid to endurance. 


    Oferujemy możliwość wymiany!


    Stan techniczny: tłoki i krągliki pracują płynnie i lekko, kompresja: bardzo dobra

    Stan wizualny: bez zagięć, bez ubić, powłoka srebra kompletna w okolo 98%

    Wykończenie: instrument posrebrzany, fabryczna powłoka srebra

    Dodatkowe informacje: oryginalny futerał (ślady użytkowania), ustnik Bach Corp., straight mute


    Instrument gotowy do grania!

    4 890,00 PLN

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